Saturday, September 22, 2007

"A Few Simple Truths"

Let me share with you a few simple truths about religion and money.

First of all, churches never have enough money to do everything they dream of doing. Or if they think they do, then their dreams aren’t big enough. Our aspiration, literally, is to transform the world and make it perfect. But realistically speaking, we generally have to settle for simply making it a little better by our on-going presence in it.

On the other hand, churches always seem to find the money they need to do the things they know they absolutely have to do. Sometimes I can’t figure out how they do it; it simply seems like a miracle. But they do. Every time.

A big part of my job, as a professional religious and spiritual leader, is to try to empower people to bring these two realities closer together.

First Parish is Portland’s original faith community. Since 1674, this congregation has worked to create “a warm and welcoming place in the heart of the city,” where individuals of every stripe and color can come together to dwell together in peace, seek the truth in love, and help one another grow their souls into greater harmony with the divine.

It’s an important ministry, and it doesn’t come cheap. But through the gracious and grateful generosity of us all, we will somehow figure out a way to make it happen again this year.

One gift at a time….

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